Today, we will talk about two types of aggression that are very rare, but potentially very

Let's start by talking about Predatory Aggression. In all these years working with dogs, there were only two cases of this type of aggression that I witnessed, and I only diagnosed it as predatory aggression after excluding all other possibilities.
Motivated by an intense hunting instinct, dogs can complete the entire predatory sequence that includes staring, head down, chasing, grabbing, biting, attacking, killing, and consuming.
The reason why a dog completes or attempts to complete this cycle is uncertain. But it is suspected that these dogs have a prenatal development, the one still inside the mother's belly, where the most basic survival instincts overcome the years of domestication.
Others believe that dogs suffering from lack of food at a young age may also have their primitive chains come out, developing this behavior.
One of the cases that I witnessed and diagnosed was a 2-year-old German Shepherd in the State of Florida. He hunted animals that entered the yard, such as squirrels and rabbits, killing them and eating pieces of them, just as a wild animal would do.
t was a dog that had a very comfortable life, being fed prime food and very well socialized. For some unknown reason, the hunting instinct in his mind was always uncontrollable.
Dogs suffering from this problem need supervision whenever exposed to possible prey. They need correction at the first signs that the behavior will emerge, such as staring and head down.
In addition, they need to be rewarded when exposed to possible prey and respond calmly. Medications can help in cases like these.
Also very rare, idiopathic or pathophysiological aggression is aggression that appears without apparent triggers or provocations. It just happens out of the blue.
It is necessary to explain calmly because it is very common for me to deal with cases where people tell me they don't know what happened, but their dog just got aggressive. Out of the blue!
Situations like these are so rare, that I would say that in less than 1% of the cases I have seen of aggressive or reactive dogs, the behavior really started out of nowhere.
In most cases, aggressive behavior is the last resource or stage of a situation that has been building up for months to even years. The problem is that in the eyes of the owners the behavior is normal, and it keeps escalating without them noticing, until finally the dog bites somebody and the owners think it just happened out of nowhere.
Idiopathic or pathophysiological aggression is completely different. There is no inappropriate behavior escalating over time. The dog is docile, socialized, not possessive, goes to places, and has regular physical and mental activities. However, one day he attacks the owner without triggers in an unexplained, psychotic attack.
There are cases where this behavior may be aligned with clinical problems, such as pain and discomfort. But in most cases, these rage attacks are linked to brain tumors or degenerative diseases.
With a dog behaving this way, without apparent triggers, the prognosis of the case is always from reserved to severe; that is, many of the dogs that appear with this condition end up euthanized.
Idiopathic or pathophysiological aggression can also be described as Impulsive Aggression / Impulse-Control Aggression, or Rage Syndrome.
Marco Magiolo is a bestselling author, trainer, and speaker. Connect with Marco on social media and subscribe to future newsletters and updates.
